Natural Security

This is possibly the most important film made by AEFF to date. It examines the abuse of natural resources in Kenya. Many people have no idea of the extent of the waste of natural resources and how close the country is to running out of the very life-sustaining resources which people need for their future.

The film illustrates the need for biodiversity to be protected for everyone’s sake, and how even insects and animals are part of biodiversity. It highlights the devastation of the natural environment, from the coast to the high mountains, by examining the results of over-fishing and trawling, inefficient methods of agriculture and over grazing by pastoralists.

The film also shows that there is a way forward which will allow people to attain a better standard of living, without damaging the environment. In some areas communities are benefiting from photographic tourism ventures based on wildlife, the original inhabitants of the savannahs and forests. Long before cattle arrived in Kenya, the wild animals were living in balance with the vegetation. Today they could be the salvation for many people trying to eke out a living in the dry denuded landscape that is much of Kenya today.

Overshadowing all efforts at wildlife conservation is the illegal bushmeat trade. Thousands of animals die annually because of this demand for meat, but it is not only for local people. Much of this illegal, disease-prone meat is exported illegally to Europe and the United States.

This film will be of particular interest to the leaders of African countries who know they must take the initiative and act if they are to prevent an environmental catastrophe, as well as to private individuals who are trying to play their part in preserving and improving their own local environment.

Geographical areas featured in this film include the Mara Conservancy (Mara Triangle), Chyulu Hills and Tsavo East and West National Parks, Kenya’s coast and marine parks, dry lowland areas and high montane environments.

Year of Completion: 2006

Available in the following Languages: English, Kiswahili, Maa
Available in the following formats: DVD

If you represent an educational institution or an environmental or conservation organization in Africa, you can request a free DVD copy of this film (all languages are on the same DVD).